A Very Carl Reiner & Steve Martin Journey
Join us for an in-depth look at the partnership of comedy legends Carl Reiner and Steve Martin
“Whenever I start a film, I hear the child’s voice in my head singing, ‘We’re makin’ a movie, we’re makin’ a movie!’” - Carl Reiner to Steve Martin
Those of you who know me are well aware of my love of the early Steve Martin comedies with the legendary writer/director/actor Carl Reiner. Their comedic partnership, along with Monty Python, Christopher Guest and ensemble, SCTV, the Coen Brothers, Chris Elliott, and David Letterman, was instrumental in developing my sense of humor. A sense of humor that is a bit dry, a little stupid but smart in its delivery, and always points out the absurdity of being human.
For this Journey, we’ll spend two weeks covering the four feature-length films Carl Reiner and Steve Martin made together. Our discussion calls are scheduled for Wednesday, January 24 and Wednesday, January 31, both at 7pm est:
Week One
The Jerk (1979)
Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid (1982)
Week Two
The Man with Two Brains (1983)
All of Me (1984)
You can register for the Journey here. All Founding/Limited Edition subscribers here will get free access to this Journey. All you need to do is register with a promo code (stay tuned— we will email this to you). For everyone else, registration is only $20 for the entire Journey.
What’s included in the registration:
Weekly discussions on Zoom with all registrants. Discussions will be recorded and available on our website (www.cinejourneys.com) for those who have registered.
Additional media content and CineJourneys podcast episodes on the topic.
Forum posts for each film, and members can create new threads. Discussions outside of the call are encouraged.
Live chat(s) about all things ReinerMartinHeimer.
We’re picking out a thermos for you in hopes that you’ll join in on what’s sure to be a fun, hilarious Journey.
Wow, it’s been about 12 years since I’ve seen the Jerk. And the other 3 are blind spots! Thermos ready.
Hi. SO sorry to place this in the general comments, but...
I have been trying for the last few days to sign up for tonight's Steve/Carl event. I am signed into Substack. Every time I try to sign up on the sign up page, I get a message saying that I need to sign in. When I try to, I get an "invalid username/password" error. When I try to change my password, the link never arrives for me to change it. Can someone help me?